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Healthcare News

Compounding Pharmacies

Compounding pharmacies experience, as a natural course of events, withholds or draw-backs from their carriers when their reimbursement arrive. So the question has been asked by many applicants for factoring facilities who are compounding pharmacies, how do you deal...

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Margins for Compounding Pharmacies Will Shrink

TRICARE is leading the way for all carriers to begin to examine the reimbursement rates paid for creams and topical treatment drugs typically provided by compounding pharmacies. Starting just two months ago, TRICARE began a review and audit program focusing on creams...

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Financial Professionals

Accountants play a vital part in the success or failure of a business. Business owners are good at what they do making and perhaps selling their product. Financial strategies are left to the advisors in the business owners’ life. To add value to the relationship...

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Imaging Center Financial Challenges

An imaging center in the southeast was having difficulties paying its expenses and more importantly making payroll. The facility had experienced enormous growth and could not meet the financial pressures resulting from the increased business. With a threat of...

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Underwriting a Healthcare Provider

Underwriting a healthcare provider for a factoring facility is a detailed process and delves deeply into all of the policies and procedures employed by the provider. This review very often uncovers deficiencies in various aspects of the provider’s internal systems....

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The Broker Read an Article

About two years ago Medicare published a news release that it was going to change the payment procedure for reimbursements to Hospice providers. At the time, these providers were paid every two weeks, so good cash management on the part of the provider would eliminate...

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Research for Research

This title looks like a typo. However, if one thinks about it, this can make sense. Healthcare research and development is one of the most needed and costly activities a civilized populous must maintain. With cuts in governmental support for these programs, finance...

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Accountant Saves the Day

  Having been turned down for a loan from a bank a Neurology center was about to abandon its growth and expansion plans. Without the capability to turn existing receivables into cash for the expansion, all hopes were lost. The CPA that worked with the healthcare...

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Financial Professionals

  Accountants play a vital part in the success or failure of a business. Business owners are good at what they do making and perhaps selling their product. Financial strategies are left to the advisors in the business owners’ life. To add value to the...

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The Circle of Influence

We’ve heard the comment “how do you expect me to contact healthcare providers, it takes me six weeks to get an appointment for an examination, let alone to sell financing.” Healthcare factoring prospects usually have very little time in a normal business day to take...

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