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Doctors “Saved by the Bell”

Doctors “Saved by the Bell”

Mandatory cuts to medical providers as part of a so called federal cost savings strategy has been a key component for financing the ACA (aka Obamacare). In a recent seminar given by Xynergy Healthcare Capital the following information was provided:

To save the reader from using a calculator these add up to $741 Billion in cuts.

Congress three months ago came to its senses and re-evaluated this strategy. It seems that medical providers being devastated by cuts to their reimbursements were beginning to opt-out of taking medical patients. With a 92-8 vote taken in April 2015, congress eliminated still another cut in reimbursement to physicians, this time for an overwhelming 21%. Had this not passed, doctors would most certainly have dropped Medicare patients leaving a huge void in healthcare services to our aging population. We applaud this action and hope that the individuals and businesses that dedicate their lives to our wellbeing will no longer be burdened with carrying the majority of the financing for the ACA. We need these professionals if we are to have a healthcare system that is affective and can accommodate our citizens.