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Joint Efforts With Various Funders On Turnaround Opportunities

Joint Efforts With Various Funders On Turnaround Opportunities

Turnaround opportunities appear quite often and involve many moving parts. The situation may have receivables both current and traditionally ineligible, inventory, purchase orders, leased or owned equipment, structure and real estate and even intellectual property such as patents. With this cornucopia of assets the very best valuation and ultimate funding strategies should include the specialists working with these diverse categories.

These asset classes have many different sources for valuation and for financing and locating such entities is not a far reach. However there is one arena that very few financial institutions have much expertise… to wit, healthcare and, more specifically, healthcare receivables. Working with turnaround companies to provide accurate valuation and even financing against that valuation is Xynergy Healthcare Capital’s (XYN) strong suit. As specialists in factoring healthcare providers of all types and sizes, XYN puts money behind its valuation and can add tremendous value to a turnaround situation. With lessors doing finance strategies in which there is equity found in existing equipment, real estate lenders doing the financial strategy on building and / or property, an inventory finance company squeezing out the equity from those assets, XYN can be the missing piece to the overall structure. Even if it is just an independent valuation of the A/R XYN has worked in that capacity. This process will by the nature of how it is done, additionally review the internal systems and controls of the turnaround entity.

All in all, having a working relationship with finance and valuation specialists for many asset classes strongly enhances the turnaround specialist to execute with confidence.